PPG Meeting Minutes

PPG Meeting Minutes

Minutes of meeting held on 27th March 2023


 (AT), (DD), (CW), (MW), (DBM), (DAM), (SA), (HB)

Agenda No:

Agenda item

Action by:

Date to be completed:





  • Everyone welcomed Diane to the group.

and Apologies:

  •  (TS)
  •  (JG)





Minutes of previous meeting 30th January 2023

  • The minutes were agreed as correct.

Matter arising from minutes of meeting 30.01.23

  • The sign behind BP machine is up.








Practice Update

  • AT welcomed DD to the practice and said a partial farewell to ES who has gone to her new role as Digital Transformation Lead for the PCN.
  • We will be welcoming Dr Biswas in April as our new salaried GP who trained as a registrar at the practice, she will be replacing Dr Chatterjee.
  • AT mentioned the way the PPG is run at Culcheth with one on the PPG members as the chair, the PPG chose to keep the meetings as they are.
  • DD updated the PPG on the accelerate program.








  • AT updated the PPG on the Covid Spring booster program that starts in April and will run until the end of June for over 75’s, care homes patients and clinically extremely vulnerable.










  • Folly Lane will have 50% of a full-time nurse associate from April called Kerry C – AT to ask her to attend a PPG meeting to run through a snapshot of her normal day.
  • Currently recruiting for a clinical pharmacist, paramedic, and care co-ordinator roles within the PCN.
  • Lost our Social Prescriber – hard to keep so looking at another option such as inhouse staff.
  • AT discussed the projects that are underway within the PCN:-
    • Screening and Imms – targeting smears at enhanced access on a Saturday to make access easier for ladies who work etc.
    • Bowel screening- card being sent to patients when they turn 56 by the end of September.
  • Cantonese event was held at the Peace centre to learn about the health differences between certain populations, opportunistic health checks were given and Lee our health coach got people exercising.
  • PCN Highlights – employ 34 ARRS (additional roles reimbursement scheme)
  • 97000 covid vaccinations have been delivered at Orford Jubilee.
  • Enhanced access went live on October 22
  • We won "Team of the Year" for the vaccination service at the Warrington Guardian Inspiration awards




















PPG Together

  • HB represented Folly Lane at the meeting, looked at engagement. HB has looked at Folly Lane feedback on google etc and has noticed that we do not respond, going forward it would be good to acknowledge the feedback even if negative
  • HB & SA will represent at the next meeting
  • AT to find out when the next PCN PPG meeting will be.










PPG Recruitment

  • AT asked the members if they can think of anyone, they know who might want to join the meetings.







  • AT to update the PPG certificate and notice board.
  • AT to look at adding a suggestion box underneath the notice board.
  • HB suggested a PPG section on the website. DD to investigate, AT to add the meeting minutes to this.









Date & time of next meeting

  • 5TH June 2023 12 noon

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